Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Why Shouldn't I Kill? - Foreword


A news web site is required to both go deep into details, and to do so in a timely manner. Like TV, one can't afford to wait until info is absolutely certain, like saying to a dumbass on the street 'you are a dumbass'. Sponsors and forbidden words, excessive preoccupation with human rights, they are less than secondary concerns. News from the TV invariably makes its way online, and it takes less than 30 seconds for TV news to trickle its way onto the Internet.

I scrape these news together, pick up the most interesting, and manage them all on my own web page eagerly. The remuneration? The reader's intellectual and emotional satisfaction. I pretty much don't make any money at all.

In spite of constant improvement, the news site receives on average 10,00 visits a day. So, why do we bother improving?

Maybe for the sake of carrying a message to unknown comrades. The blood of an explorer flows through our veins. Or, possibly, we just really want to know what a given event is all about.
Now, something truly outrageous is happening!”

We, the news site editors, wish to reach out to as many people as possible. Along with the flickering cursor on the screen, the eye flashes through news that move at the speed of light. 

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